Monday, October 5, 2009

Campaign Statement on First Debate!

Mr. Lopez is glad that voters had the opportunity to hear from both candidates for delegate of the 52nd district and he hopes that Pastor Torian will accept more debates including a televised debate.

While both candidates have a compelling personal story and agree on several issues, there are several fundamental issues that they disagree on. Unlike his opponent, Mr. Lopez repeated several times during the debate that his number one priority is to fix the economy. He outlined his full proposal to fix the economy which includes creating jobs through the exploration of oil and gas, bringing more corporate businesses, reforming government through a balanced budget and business friendly legislation, and ways to address the foreclosure problem. Mr. Lopez also said that their differences are more philosophical, for example on the role of government. Mr. Lopez believes that a limited government and personal responsibility are also quite necessary at this time and that we can’t expect the government to fix all of our problems.

Mr. Lopez, a former Dumfries Councilman, represents new leadership with new ideas and solutions for the district and has a track record of advocating for local economic development, keeping taxes low, and limiting the role of government.